Monday, May 12, 2008

I want to thank you guys,

1) For being such a generous class
2) For giving me the surprise of my life.. Imagine the big shock when 20 of you guys started singing "Happy Birthday..", I was using my handphone, thinking, is it my birthday? I thought it was Fab's?! Then I looked at the cake, and made a mess of my handphone and the flag. It was really so sudden that it really caught me by surprise. Thanks for the big surprise once again!

One counts the number of blessings he has received over the last 18 years. I am remarkably glad that I have a good family to fall back on, remarkably glad that I am still alive, able to be blogging here about all my blessings, and that I have such a great class to be in commune with. MANY MANY self destructive IOPs, much weird stuff, many suannings, but seriously, I haved enjoyed the last 1.5 years with you guys.

Especially today, it has been a great day for me. I thank in particular Han An and Vic, for generously treating me, and the rest of you guys, who sprung this really unexpected surprise on me. It was one HELL of a surprise. "Ugly cake"!

I feel like writing a second draft of this..hmm.. words cannot express what I feel. No wait, I can't express what I feel in English..

Thanks guys! see you tomorrow!

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